Monday, March 8, 2010

married: Belinda + Steve: 7 March 2010


After months of planning their wedding as a surprise (!) for their closest family and friends, Belinda + Steve celebrated their day in total style at the Al-Ru Farm in One Tree Hill. It was my first time photographing at this wonderful spot and I was totally thrilled about the incredible beauty of the entire farm, which includes a fantastic B&B (which Belinda + Steve were staying in), an amazing "Barn" which held their reception, lovely gardens, and a gorgeous and intimate spot for a wedding ceremony. When I was told that the wedding was going to be a surprise for their guests (who actually thought they were attending their "engagement party"), I knew we were going to have lots of fun on the day!  Enjoy some of my favourite images.

The B&B is decorated with lots of antiques and Belinda's dress looked simply stunning hanging on this beautiful wardrobe.


Belinda + Steve helped each other get ready for the day. It was so beautiful to be a part of such a special time.

The B&B was so beautiful that I couldn't help but capture a few of the details that caught my attention.


I saw this butterfly flitting about outside and went out to see if I could capture a shot of her. She was so beautiful and it was as though she heard me willing her to land... She gracefully sat on the flower right in front of me!

Delicious shoes!

Applying the finishing touches.

This fabulous couple were so excited and ready for some portraits to be taken before the unsuspecting guests arrived!

It was so nice wandering around the gardens of Al-Ru, photographing some beautiful moments.

Not only were the gardens gorgeous, but the driveway was delicious! So rustic!


Enjoying a glass of bubbly!


It was soon time for the surprise to take place. Belinda got changed into a stunning red dress and went out to greet the guests who were arriving for the "engagement party", advising them that Steve had to travel to the airport to pick up a late arrival. Little did they know that he was back in the B&B trying to calm his nerves before the ceremony. I captured this perfect moment of him reading his book to take his mind off things!

Spying on the guests!

Steve finally gets the call to let him know that everyone is ready!

The guests knew what was coming and were excited with anticipation!

Belinda + Steve escorted each other down the aisle towards their thrilled guests!

Belinda has a laugh at her mum's reaction to the surprise.

A few minutes into the ceremony it started to drizzle, but we soldiered on...

... but soon found ourselves running for cover as the heavens opened up!

The ceremony continued under this beautiful verandah. It was lovely!

What a beautiful couple.

First kiss...


... celebration!

It appeared that some guests had an inkling that a wedding was on the cards... I saw this guest sneak some confetti out of her bag!

Belinda + Steve held their reception in the "Barn" at Al-Ru. It was divine.


The guests were having a great time...

...these little guys were adorable...


... and the food was delicious!

I loved what was written on this envelope...

I love this photo of Belinda!

Romance. A stunning finish to a beautiful day.

Congratulations Belinda + Steve. It was so special to spend the day with you both and I wish you both all the happiness in the world! x


  1. What stunning photos. I would have loved to have a surprise wedding, but there is no way I could keep a secret that big!

  2. Thanks! I know, it would be fun hey, but I'd tell everyone with excitement!

  3. Congratulations on capturing the day beautifully! It was such a lovely day and u have done a fantastic job capturing belind' and steves special day...we felt spoilt being there as im sure everyone else did as well!

  4. Awesome Allison you did a great I really love them. Mum thinks that are amazing, what a great idea a surprise wedding I would love that...

  5. Belinda you lookes sooo beautiful! It was such an honour to have done your hair and make up... A truly lovely couple x And the Photography was Amazing!
    Karen Hedger
    Complete Look Hair and Beauty
