Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Outback Adventure!

Last week my husband and I had the absolute pleasure of driving to Finley, a rural town in NSW. I was invited to speak at a country women's meeting about photography, as well as do a couple of portraiture shoots for some families. It was such a fabulous experience and apart from the flies, and the locust plague along the way, we had the most amazing time! It was also lovely to spend some quality time with our good friends, Broni, Chris and their four kids, who live in Finley. During my time there I found some time to take some shots "just for me" so I thought I'd share some of my favourites with you!

I wanted to photograph some horses, so one afternoon my friend, Broni, took me to meet Harold.  He was such a character, and was only too happy to let me photograph his horses.

Harold kept the kids entertained while we were there, with rides around the yard!

Harold's "Out-house"... only in the country!

I love Australia.

Such beautiful sunsets.

How majestic is this horse! He was so beautiful!

One morning we went to the local cattle auctions. It was very interesting, however, I felt so sorry for the poor cows, looking at me with their big brown eyes, that I got a little upset and had to leave. I managed to take a few shots before I did though!

Then it was off to a cattle station to photograph the farmer!

This is Sophie, one of the little cuties I photographed whilst in Finley. Isn't she adorable!

And this is Samuel, a true farmer already!

My darling friend, Broni, and her youngest child, Joel.

Broni and Chris, took us to see an old shearing shed. It is a little run down, but so amazing inside! It was like stepping back in time when you walk inside, a photographers dream! 

My all-time favourite photo...Chris and Samuel.

All the wood inside the shed was so rustic, just gorgeous.

Outside was just as beautiful.

So there's a few of my favourite shots. It was so nice to have a change of scenery for a few days, and to get out and really appreciate our beautiful country. The local people in Finley are so friendly, it's such a great community.  Thank you to everyone at MOPS for inviting me to speak to you, I hope that you are all out there taking some fabulous photographs!  And thank you to our dear friends, the Everingham family, for such a wonderful time. Put the kettle on Bron, I'll be there again soon!  xx


  1. OMG!!! What beautiful photos. Made the hair on my neck stand up.(in a good way)and my skin tingle. I love the country and can't wait to move back. Thanks for sharing.x Amanda

  2. Awesome Allison this is clearly a great subject for you, you do them so well. You should travel Australia and take more awesome photos...

  3. Alle, they are georgeous, I love them all,
    You are so talented. The mud cake is in the oven.
    Love Bronnie

  4. Beautiful work. Love them all! Love Lindy

  5. Stunning Alle, but really I am not surprised :)
    Linda Smith

  6. Oh, Alle, you've made me homesick!! Such beautiful pictures :)

  7. I really impress to seen your g4reat photography, its totally different style photography. I love all these given images. I mostly like that nature photography, its all pictures are really cool.
    australia photographer
